Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Into A Police State Essay

Introduction In a time when WW2 had just finished, people were worried that communism might spread around the world, and the overall scariness of the changing world around, George Orwell wrote a dystopian novel, set in the future, in a world that changes the past to suit the needs ofcalled 1984. Orwell’s novel has been written to make his audience challenge the values that have been presented in the novel. The values of freedom and truth and an attitude of love have been used to make us challenge the way we think of these things. 1984 is a novel in which the world has been transformed into a society in which a group called the Party can watch every person’s moves at any time of the day.   1984 manipulates the society into believing everything they say.   George Orwell’s masterpiece makes the audience challenge the values and attitudes of the novel.   Values of freedom, privacy and trust. Attitudes of anger, and love. BP1 1984 makes the audience challenge the value of freedom. What is freedom Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. This quote shows that the Party controls the world so much that they have the power to change the answer for 2+2=4 to 2+2=5 (or any other number).   That the choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better.   This quote shows that people in the world of Oceania have a choice of freedom or happiness. Because most people know the consequences of having freedom, they choose the safe option and have happiness in the Party. This leads into the next quote:   To die hating them, that was freedom. If you are with the Party, you will have happiness (previous quote) and if you are against them, you will have the freedom to speak out against the Party. But this means that you must die, because almost all of the haters of the Party will get caught eventually and ‘shot’ or ‘killed’. Because the world that people live in has been manipulated so that people do not have freedom, we as the audience are challenged with the moral of freedom and what it means having it. BP2   Orwell’s setting in 1984 also makes us challenge the values of truth. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.   This is saying that the people of Oceania know their own truths, and everyone has an opinion as to what is the truth and what is not. But people are forced to believe in a truth that is untrue when they know a truth which is true. Thus people have two truths to believe or know in. The people who follow the Party and respect them will believe in the untruth and forget the real truth, and the people who are against the Party will know their truth which is the truth. So the people who are against the Party are the sane ones.   If all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth.   This is saying that if all of the novels in the world said the same things, this would become the truth. And if one thing was different from a book/magazine etc. then the Party would change it so it would become the truth. It is like saying if 10 books said that WW1 did not occur, and another book did, the Party would get that one book and change it so that it would say that WW1 did not occur. If everything in the world said that something happened, then the lie would pass into history and would become the truth.   Whatever the party holds to be truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.   This is saying that everything the Party says is the truth and that everyone should listen to it. If you don’t listen to the truth, then you can’t see the reality of what the world is. If you want to understand the world, then you must be with the Party. The world is a blur without them. These quotes show how the Party has manipulated the truth so that the entire super state believes every word they say. By doing this everyone will do what they want. However some people are already thinking against the Party and they are the sane ones but they will be the ones that will most likely die. BP3 * Orwell also challenges the audience with his dystopian society with the attitude of love.   The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. This is saying that the entire world is based around hatred. This can be backed up with the two minutes hate and the hatred that people have for the Party. * There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science.   1984’s society has been challenged in a way that no love ever exists. People are not allowed to love another person. The only way that people are allowed to marry is so that they can produce for the Party. They only believe in the Party and listen to what they tell people to do. Nothing exists anymore except that Party and everything that they do.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn’t matter: only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you-that would be the real betrayal. †   This is saying that the only way that people in Oceania can stop loving someone is if that Party ‘brainwash’ them so that they won’t love them anymore. That is the only way that people can betray someone. Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves.   This quote is saying that the society of 1984 has no feeling for anything. Everyone is straight faced and just does what the Party want them to do. The line â€Å"Never again will you be capable of love† just says that the world can become a world has place of hatred for one another. This definitely challenges the audiences on love.   This novel has very little love in it and it makes us challenge what love actually is and why it is such a special thing for us as humans to have. CONCLUSION   These points that have been made so that the audience of 1984 challenges their values and attitudes.   The novel explores the values of truth and freedom and the attitude of love.   We see that after reading the novel how much we value these things in our world and that we should be grateful for what we have in life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

National Effluent Limitation Regulations In Nigerian Breweries Environmental Sciences Essay

Nigeria, a state with 30 six provinces situated in the western portion of Africa, rich in mineral and natural resources, holding a size of three 100s and 50 six 1000, six hundred and 60 nine square stat mis of land country, with ecological zones runing from the dry savannas in the North, to the H2O abundant Niger Delta ( about nine hundred and twenty three 1000, seven hundred and 70 three square kilometers ) – She is more than half the United States of American province of California, Nigeria has placed her name on the Earth for acknowledgment in exportation of crude oil oil, Indian potato, palm oil and chocolate. Deriving her independency in 1960, she has been ruled and governed under the military and civilian epoch, with the later still in regulation, besides known as the epoch of democracy. Nigeria, like many other former British settlements operates a common jurisprudence. The chief beginnings of jurisprudence in Nigeria are customary jurisprudence ( which was the legal sy stem runing in Nigeria prior to the coming of the British colonial regulation ) , the Nigerian statute law, and common jurisprudence. The composing and nature of our environment has greatly been altered by activities such as industrialisation, transit, building and other activities. Nigeria is a underdeveloped state and so, has industries situated in urban and rural countries, most of these industries are fabricating and bring forthing industries, and as such, tend to give off waste merchandises which acts as pollutants to the immediate and environing environment. This essay covers air pollution control Torahs in Nigeria caused by brewing activities. Brewing ACTIVITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Brewing is a complex procedure with several phases, that tend to bring forth pollutants in signifier of exhausts and wastewater that causes environmental air pollution. The natural stuff aggregation procedure, produces dust which when inhaled makes the victim to sneeze and cough, for this ground, animal trainers are given protective cogwheels to cover their nose, neglecting to gain that this dust atoms still float in the air and pollutes the environment. The steam produced when the milled grains are boiling ( wort production ) , and the add-on of barm to the cooled wort for fermenting the wort into beer, ( the aeration procedure ) , the bottling and packaging which deals with H2O that is in bend converted to blow H2O that gives a malodor before treated. Waste H2O from the industry ( wastewater ) , which is subsequently on recycled and used to rinse equipments in the mill, gives out a malodor that offends neighboring environing. In the outflowing armored combat vehicles, the smell pro duced airss as a nuisance to the environing environment in the signifier of air pollution. The jurisprudence associating to air pollution in Nigeria is contained in legion instruments as obtained in The National Environmental Standards and Regulation Enforcement Agency ( NESREA ) Act 2007, an Agency of the Ministry of Environment Housing and Urban Development is charged with the duty of implementing environmental Laws, ordinances andA criterion in discouraging people, industries and organisation from fouling and degrading the environment. Harmonizing to the Environmental Law Research Institute 2007, ( ELRI ) for Nigeria, the outline of Torahs and ordinances purposes at bring oning responsible attitudes and behaviors towards the environment are embedded in NESREA Act 2007 which replaced the Federal Environmental Protection Agency ( FEPA ) Act, notes in Section 7, that it provides authorization to guarantee conformity with environmental Torahs, local and international, on environmental sanitation and pollution bar and control through monitory and regulative steps. Harmonizing to the ordinances under NESREA on National Effluent Limitation Regulations, Section 1 ( 1 ) requires industry installations to hold anti-pollution equipment for the intervention of wastewater, but because policies are non given out to the general populace, possibly due to company ‘s work moralss or policy, one can non state if the intervention of wastewater is decently met in the brewing industry, nevertheless, because of the air pollution caused by this activity, it is recommended that Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) comes into act to look into if the industry has exceeded its bound in fouling the environment as stated in The National Environment Protection ( Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities bring forthing Waste ) Regulations ( 1991 ) , Section 1 Prohibits the release of risky substances into the air, land or H2O of Nigeria beyond approved bounds set by the Agency. Besides, the demand for the Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) to mensurate the degree of impact and harm done to the environment is non applied, it is for this ground that both little and large industries still generate a batch of pollution to the environment. The E.I.A Act, as it is informally called, trades with the considerations of environmental impact in regard of public and private undertakings. Sections relevant to environmental exigency bar under the EIA include: – Section 2 ( 1 ) requires an appraisal of public or private undertakings probably to hold a important ( negative ) impact on the environment. However, this is non the instance when compared with the activities of brewing, as it gives a negative impact on the immediate environment. Mwalimu in his text states â€Å" The common jurisprudence addendums statutory control and ordinance of air pollution in Nigeria for illustration refering Byzantine liability under civil wrongs of nuisance and carelessness. † This means that the jurisprudence is at that place to command and modulate air pollution. A civil wrong is an hurt incurred by one or more persons, and it may affect mere inattention by the air defiler who allowed the hurt to happen. The different phases are powered with generators which emit exhausts into the air, the phases involved besides releases exhausts into the air, wastewater H2O which is before treated Acts of the Apostless as another agency of air pollution. The exhausts produced from the industry, derived as a consequence of the production from brewing, running of Diesel operated generators ( normally known as ‘diesel exhausts ‘ ) are a mixture of gases, bluess, liquid aerosols and substances made up of atoms. They contain the merchandises of burning including: C ( carbon black ) ; N ; H2O ; C monoxide ; aldehydes ; N dioxide ; sulfur dioxide ; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. This gases acts as pollutants and are suspended in the ambiance where they cause nursery consequence and lead to planetary heating. Most of these gases harm flora, respiratory system, merchandise of complete burning of organic compounds ; implicated in planetary clime alteration. In other words they damage and pollute the environment ; it is safe to state that brewing activities contributes to one of the major beginnings of pollution. Environment is a really wide construct and involves everything that affects an being during its life-time. Harmonizing to Srinivasan â€Å" our environment comprises atmosphere, H2O, Earth, and infinite † . In his book, Chauhan defined environment in different ways ; â€Å" 1. It is in entirety of all societal, biological and physical or chemical separately every bit good as jointly that compose the nature and semisynthetic milieus. It refers to the sum sum of conditions which surrounds adult male at a given point in infinite and clip. It is the representative of physical constituents of the Earth where in adult male is the of import factor act uponing his environment † It would look that what the writer means by environment is the entirety of the environing organic structure ( air, land and H2O ) that can be seen and felt by populating being. Pollution is when different activities done by adult male makes the environment ( air, land and H2O ) dirty, Saunders in his text defines Pollution as â€Å" The debut by adult male of waste affair or surplus energy into the environment which straight or indirectly causes harm to adult male and his environment other than himself, his family, those in his employment or those with whom his has a direct trading relationship † . This means that for every action adult male has taken has caused pollution straight or indirectly. Olanrewaju and Chukwukere defined air pollution as â€Å" the debut of chemicals, particulate affair, biological stuffs that may do injury or uncomfortableness to worlds or other life beings or cause harm to the natural environment or built environment, into the ambiance and farther classified beginnings of air pollution into anthropogenetic beginnings and natural beginnings † . Tiwary and Colls stated in their book that â€Å" air pollution has been with us since the first fire was lit, although different facets have been of import at different times. While many would see air pollution an issue that the modern universe has resolved to a greater extent, it still appears to hold a considerable influence on the planetary environment † . It would look that the writers mean to state that air pollution, has been in being from the beginning of clip where fire was discovered and perchance before so. Vallero in his text defined air pollution in page three of his book as â€Å" Air Pollution is the presence of contaminations or pollutant substances in the air that interfere with human wellness or public assistance, or bring forth other harmful environmental effects † . Hill in his text said â€Å" Pollution occurs because no procedure is one 100 per centum efficient † the writer means that pollution is inevitable but can be managed. As stated above, there is no procedure or activity done by any life being that does non ensue in one signifier of pollution or the other. A good illustration of air pollution includes failure to inspect the operation and care of electrostatic precipitators or failure to design and size an equal suspension engineering.Consequence of Air Pollution on Health of HumansOlarenwaju and Chukwukere, the consequence of air pollution and perturbation of natural air causes different wellness jobs such as trouble in external respiration, wheezing, coughing, exasperation of bing respiratory and cardiac conditions, pneumonic aggravations, vascular disfunction, increased thrombus formation, encephalon harm, malignant neoplastic disease, and increased cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. For this ground, statute laws and ordinances have been made for bring forthing industries to stay in, and breach in this has its effects. This statute law in relation to environmental jurisprudence constitutes meshing organic structure of pacts, conventions, legislative acts, ordinances, and common jurisprudence that, really loosely, run to modulate the interaction of humanity and the remainder of the biophysical or natural environment, toward the intent of cut downing the impacts of homo. The defiler can be held responsible for the harm to human wellness. These Torahs and ordinances are in the fundamental law but are non enforced in the state, because pollution is still on the addition in this underdeveloped state. The usage of generators to power the mill, or a house or machineries has led to non merely air pollution but besides noise pollution. Harmonizing to Abdulkareem in his instance survey on Urban air pollution by computing machine simulator, â€Å" Urban Air pollution due to activities of procedure industries is one of the chief jobs faced by the industrial country of the universe. † This means that, every bit long as there is an industrial procedure traveling on, air pollution would still be present. The action carried out by the brewery industry does non advance clean air, and hence pollutes the air and this causes uncomfortableness for the dwellers of the environing environment, and the regulative organic structures are non efficient in transporting out their responsibilities, unlike the United Kingdom, where Legislations are invariably reviewed and put into topographic point to angle out industries and companies that are transcending the pollution bound, environmental licenses are in topographic point, pollution bar and control licenses are besides in topographic point to look into for interest holders that breach Torahs and to look into for hw air pollution is regulated. As earlier said, there is no procedure that does non foul the environment. The Pollution Prevention and Control permits ( PPC ) of the United Kingdom states that â€Å" If a concern operates in Northern Ireland or Scotland, the concern would necessitate a PPC license from an environmental regulator before such concern would be allowed to run. The NEW Environmental Permitting ( England and Wales ) Regulations 2010 SI 675 provides a amalgamate system for environmental licenses and freedoms for industrial activities, Mobile works, waste operations, excavation waste operations, H2O discharge activities, groundwater activities and radioactive substances activities. It besides sets out the powers, maps and responsibilities of the regulators † .Unlike the United Kingdom where the populace has the right to cognize the statute law for air pollution control, the populace is incognizant of this statute law in Nigeria. Very small is put in topographic point for the populace, there is no clean air act, which gives powers to local councils to command domestic and industrial fume to better local air quality and meet EU air quality criterions for sulfur dioxide and particulates. The English air statute law controls emanations of gases, dark fume and other airborne pollutants that harm the quality of the ambiance. It includes environmental permitting and empowering governments and, via the clime alteration model, establishes fiscal inducements to exchange to less-polluting ways of working.NEW Aerosol Dispensers Regulations 2009 SI 2824 aims to protect public wellness by forbiding the supply or ownership of aerosols non marked as conforming to safety criterions.Recommendation: This ordinance has been in topographic point to run into up to the cleanliness of the environment, but because of the corruptness of the land, such Torahs are non enforced and hence, it is ignored. The industries still run and release aerosols and exhausts into the ambiance, damaging the immediate environment.

The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 22. The Hunt

We were weaving in and out of traffic as James followed us. We were driving north towards Vancouver. Each second that I spent away from Bella I could feel my body's fresh tear ache. Half of me was with her, without her I could never be whole. We drove until we were only thirty miles away from Vancouver before I heard a distant ringing. It was just a faint echoing sound. It's about time, she better have good news for me about the human. About the human? It was definitely James' thoughts I heard as he continued to stay out of our vision, keen to not be spotted. â€Å"Carlisle, slow down,† I ordered while looking wildly around. Carlisle released his foot from the gas and the Jeep slowly drifted down to sixty as he looked sideways at me. â€Å"What is it?† Carlisle asked, anxious. â€Å"James has just received a phone call,† I explained. â€Å"Where did they take her?† James was wildly enthusiastic at the prospect of finding her when I was nowhere near her. I was too far away from him to hear the other end of the conversation so I settled with listening through James' mind. â€Å"I don't know. They mixed the smell up and she was not in the truck. It was two female vampires and they drove west until we were several miles away from Forks. She must still be there. They tricked us,† I heard Victoria say. Idiotic woman! James roared in his head. â€Å"Find her!† he commanded and hung up the phone. James ran the opposite direction of the road, flying feverously away from the Jeep until I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore. â€Å"Stop!† I yelled. Carlisle slammed on the brakes as the Jeep slid to a halt on the side of the highway. â€Å"What is it?† Emmett and Carlisle asked at the same time. â€Å"He knows that Bella isn't in the truck. He has a cell phone. He's sent Victoria back to Forks because he believes she is still there.† I didn't expect the nomad to have something as technologically advanced as a cell phone considering how they live. But I remembered something that Laurent had said, â€Å"He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Emmett and Carlisle both understood instantly that Victoria had realized Bella was not in the truck. â€Å"I'll call Esme,† Carlisle said while picking up his cell phone and dialing her number quickly. I heard Esme's voice on the other line. â€Å"Carlisle,† she began but he cut her off to explain what happened. â€Å"She knows that Bella isn't with you and suspects that she is still in Forks. Go back and watch Charlie, make sure he's safe. Send Rosalie to find Victoria and follow her. We need to make sure that she isn't able to track Bella. We'll chase after James,† Carlisle's lips were blurred at the fast motion of his speech. â€Å"I'll tell her. Carlisle, I love you, be careful,† Esme said affectionately. â€Å"I love you, too and I will.† Carlisle hung up the phone. Let me go after him, please Edward. Emmett was begging in his mind. I turned around to face him. â€Å"We'll both go.† I turned to Carlisle. â€Å"Continue north until you reach the airport. Keep an eye out for him there ?C if we lose track of him I want to make sure we know where he is headed. We will keep you up to date.† He nodded. Emmett and I dashed from the Jeep and headed towards the forest where I last heard James' thoughts. When we caught up with his scent I could hear his faint hasty footsteps but he was too far away for me to hear his mind. The sun was peeking through the canopy of trees as the night sky began to slowly lighten the forest floor, bathing it in a pleasant golden glow. Can you hear his thoughts? What are his plans? Emmett asked. â€Å"No. He is too far away from us.† I spoke quickly. Go ahead of me and see what you can find out. Hey ?C don't get too close without me, Emmett chuckled. I want a piece of him too. I rolled my eyes and darted faster than ever towards the one creature who threatened Bella's life more than I already had. I had trouble catching up to him but I was able to finally hear one thought. She's still in Forks. I slowed some to let Emmett catch up with me. â€Å"I think he's going to head back to Forks†¦but I don't understand – he isn't running that direction. He keeps running north and not in a straight path. I think he's trying to get us off his trail.† I explained to Emmett. Maybe we could split up and try to trap him, he suggested. â€Å"That might be what he wants. Let's just keep together for now.† You're just afraid I'll catch up to him before you and will miss the opportunity to kill him, Emmett was plainly trying not to laugh. I sighed loudly at his thoughts, though he was partially correct ?C I did want to personally rip him to shreds. I could see the dim city lights of Vancouver begin to get closer to us. As the sun rose the windows on the large buildings began to shimmer and reflect onto the large city. I hadn't heard any thoughts or any noise from James for several miles. I only continued to follow his scent. When we reached the forest edge we stood in the shadows looking out at the partially sunny grounds. Emmett's eyes glowed a honey color in the dazzling sunlight. It's too sunny. Emmett looked up like he was willing the clouds to form. As soon as he thought the words a long cloud loomed into view, moving closer to the sun until a shadow hung over us and the city below turned grey and dark. â€Å"Let's go,† I commanded with a bite of impatience in my voice. We continued to follow his scent as we made our way across town until it ended abruptly at a car rental store. â€Å"Crap,† we both said together. I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Carlisle's number. â€Å"Edward,† he answered. â€Å"Carlisle, James has rented a car and I need to get something out of my bag to try and find out where he went. We are at sixteen ninety-six west, first Avenue. Hurry!† I said quickly. â€Å"I'm on my way,† he hung up the phone. In a few short minutes Carlisle was speeding around the corner and came to a shuddering halt in front of us. I opened the back door and pulled my bag out, opening it to reveal my many ID's. Inside I had a Royal Canadian Mounted Police badge that our family previously used to protect ourselves. I snatched it up and swept over the threshold of the car rental store. The girl behind the desk was startled at my appearance. â€Å"Can I help you?† she stuttered while scrutinizing my face. I flashed my badge. â€Å"Yes. I'm with the RCMP. Ma'am, there was a man in here today that is ye tall,† I put my hand to James' height, â€Å"and has long light brown hair. He would have rented a car from you today. I need to know the make and model and where he was headed. He is a murderer and we have only recently caught on to his trail.† A murderer! â€Å"Yes, sure†¦there was only one man in here this morning to rent a car. Let me print out the information.† She began typing on the keyboard and clicking her mouse. I could have been killed, she thought frantically as she searched for the information I requested. Her mind began to panic as she read the information on the screen. She looked away before I was able to read it. She turned her face to mine, her eyes wide with terror. â€Å"Um†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she hesitated nervously. â€Å"The car has already been returned to another branch.† â€Å"Where?† I asked with an inarticulate yell of rage. â€Å"The airport,† she said in a high pitched whisper. Panic erupted through my stomach as I realized I had no idea where he was going. My only conclusion is that he was going back to Forks, but I wasn't positive. I clenched my fists and ran out towards the Jeep and without saying a word Carlisle he was speeding quickly south towards Washington. â€Å"We need to know if he shows up in Forks,† I said hastily. Carlisle was dialing Esme's number before I was able to speak anymore. I heard Esme answer the phone. â€Å"Hello.† â€Å"Esme, what has Victoria been doing?† Carlisle asked politely yet hurriedly. â€Å"Rosalie followed her to Charlie's house. Don't worry, he wasn't home. I am not sure what she was looking for there†¦maybe to find a lead on where Bella might be. Rosalie said that she has been following Bella's scent all through town and even stopped by the school before anyone was there.† Esme spoke quickly. â€Å"James' got away from us. We think that he got on a plane to go back to Forks. Please be careful. We'll be there shortly.† Carlisle said gravely. I heard Esme gasp over the phone. â€Å"Victoria also went to the airport,† she whispered. Carlisle pressed the accelerator down harder and the Jeep groaned as we were hitting one forty. â€Å"Be careful. We're on our way back.† Panic was present in Carlisle's thoughts. Please let us get back there before he does, he thought. They said their goodbyes. As soon as Carlisle hung up the phone he was instantly dialing another number ?C Alice. â€Å"Carlisle,† Alice trilled. â€Å"Are you in Phoenix and is Bella safe?† asked Carlisle. â€Å"Yes,† replied Alice. â€Å"We lost track of James. We believe he is headed towards Forks. Victoria has been searching for leads and clues hoping to find a way to Bella.† Carlisle spoke calmly. â€Å"I just saw him in a room. It's long, and there are mirrors everywhere. The floor is wooden. There is a gold stripe across the mirrors. It's still very cloudy ?C he hasn't made a decision yet. He'll be in this room today or maybe tomorrow. I've also seen him watching something from a VCR in another place but it is too dark to see. He brings the video he watched back to the room with the mirrors but he doesn't watch it like he does in the dark room. The room with the mirrors is the room where he waits. Whatever made him get on that plane†¦it was leading him to those rooms,† Alice explained to Carlisle. â€Å"Let me speak to Bella,† I held my hand out for the phone. â€Å"Is Bella awake? Edward would like to speak to her,† Carlisle asked. â€Å"Yes,† Alice said while Carlisle handed the phone to me. â€Å"Hello?† My heart rejoiced at hearing her voice. â€Å"Bella,† I said devotedly. â€Å"Oh, Edward! I was so worried,† she squeaked. Why was she worried about me? She should be worried about herself. â€Å"Bella,† I sighed in frustration. â€Å"I told you not to worry about anything but yourself.† â€Å"Where are you?† She demanded. â€Å"We're outside of Vancouver. Bella, I'm sorry ?C we lost him. He seems suspicious of us ?C he's careful to stay just far enough away that I can't hear what he's thinking. But he's gone now ?C it looks like he got on a plane. We think he's heading back to Forks to start over.† I felt like a fool for falling for his car rental trick. â€Å"I know. Alice saw that he got away.† â€Å"You don't have to worry, though. He won't find anything to lead him to you. You just have to stay there and wait till we find him again,† my voice hinted at my disapproval for her doing anything else. â€Å"I'll be fine. Is Esme with Charlie?† she asked, concerned. She was always so selfless, worried about everyone else but herself. I tried to calm her frenzied nerves. â€Å"Yes ?C the female has been in town. She went to the house, but while Charlie was at work. She hasn't gone near him so don't be afraid. He's safe with Esme and Rosalie watching.† â€Å"What is she doing?† she whispered. â€Å"Probably trying to pick up the trail. She's been all through the town during the night. Rosalie traced her through the airport, all the roads around town, the school†¦she's digging, Bella, but there's nothing to find.† I hope, I added internally. â€Å"And you're sure Charlie's safe?† I suppressed a sigh to her ever selflessness. â€Å"Yes, Esme won't let him out of her sight. And we'll be there soon. If the tracker gets anywhere near Forks, we'll have him.† And I pictured tearing him to shreds and burning him, hoping that this beating would come sooner than later so I could have Bella in my arms again. â€Å"I miss you,† she barely whispered. My heart ached every second we were apart from each other. My body still felt torn in two. â€Å"I know, Bella. Believe me, I know. It's like you've taken half my self away with you.† â€Å"Come and get it, then,† she coaxed me. It was very tempting, but I had to take care of James first. â€Å"Soon, as soon as I possibly can. I will make you safe first.† I said fiercely. â€Å"I love you,† she croaked. I had continually put her life in danger since the moment I met her and she still loved me. Despite the situation we were currently in my heart leapt at her words. â€Å"Could you believe that, despite everything I've put you through, I love you, too?† â€Å"Yes, I can, actually,† she said matter-of-factly. â€Å"I'll come for you soon,† I promised. â€Å"I'll be waiting.† I hung the phone up. The day slipped away and extinguished its self as we drove quickly through the dark and winding road towards Forks. My mind was constantly thinking of the many ways I would torture and kill James. Emmett's line of thought was not far from my own, but he really just wanted a fight. He did want to protect Bella, but he was getting enjoyment out of this and I was not. When we finally arrived back in Washington we were greeted by Rosalie, who was still screaming nasty retorts in her mind at me. â€Å"I've followed Victoria everywhere but she hasn't returned to the airport and James has still not shown up. I've waited at the airport since Esme called me.† Rosalie spoke to Carlisle only. â€Å"Where is Victoria now?† asked Carlisle. â€Å"She has disappeared. I have no idea where she went. The rain has washed any lingering scent and between Esme and me we couldn't keep an eye on her, Charlie and the airport,† Rosalie explained. Carlisle placed a hand on her shoulder. â€Å"It's okay, you did an excellent job.† We continued to search throughout the day for Victoria and James but neither of them were around. We couldn't find any traces of their scent anymore. Rosalie kept guard at the airport. As each hour passed with no luck of finding either of them I felt a weight in my chest drop sickeningly down into my stomach. I felt like there was something wrong, like I was missing something crucial. Night came and we still had absolutely no luck in finding the two. It was about two in the morning when all of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket to read Alice's name on the caller ID. I felt my heart sink. When I opened it to answer Alice spoke so swiftly I didn't even have the chance to speak. â€Å"Edward, James is in Phoenix. I saw it in a vision; you need to get here now! He has been to her mother's house and at her old ballet studio.† Alice was uneasy. Carlisle and Emmett were with me and they both nodded their heads to me. We'll go with you, they both thought together, Emmett more eager than Carlisle. â€Å"We'll take the first flight out of Seattle. It leaves at five thirty, and then Carlisle, Emmett and myself are going to take Bella somewhere and hide her. We'll meet you at the airport,† I rushed through my words while running towards the Jeep to get our bags and then towards Seattle with Emmett and Carlisle behind me. I hung up the phone and in a short time we were outside of Seattle. The lights from the town became brighter the closer we raced towards the airport. Are you okay? Carlisle thought as we were running. â€Å"Not really,† I whispered. Don't worry, son. We'll get there and take her away some place safe. Carlisle reassured me. We arrived outside the airport and queued in line. Each second passed slowly as people weighed their bags and showed their ID's. Carlisle finally reached the desk. â€Å"Hello, we need three tickets to Phoenix, please,† he said politely to the man behind the counter. â€Å"We only have first class left,† the man informed us. â€Å"That's fine. Three first class tickets then,† Carlisle smiled to the man behind the counter and his heart raced along with his mind. There is something weird about these guys, especially the big one†¦creepy, he thought. He handed the tickets over the counter once we showed proper ID. We flew through the airport until we arrived at the gate. The waiting game we played tore at my nerves. Each second that Bella was in danger made my insides feel like they were being put through a grinder. Each thought of her being hurt ripped through my heart leaving big gaping holes. When we entered the plane we sat quickly in the front. As the passengers waited in a long line for others to put their luggage away, I was having to concentrate every particle of my mind not to snap their necks, take over the plane and fly it to Phoenix myself. I could feel the pulses of those closest to me and a woman flinched away when she accidently touched my cold skin. Carlisle had placed his hand on my shoulder, guessing what I was planning in my mind. Take it easy, Edward. I'm sure she will be fine. We'll get there and take her away, Carlisle tried to calm my nerves again. When the plane finally speed down the tarmac I laid my head back trying to think of anything else besides the danger I had brought upon Bella. The plane ascended quickly into the early morning sky. I started imagining the many places we could go. Isle Esme, perhaps? Or maybe Europe. I contemplated. I began thinking about us being alone together. Bella was in immediate danger but all I could think about is how wonderful it would be to hold her every day and every night and never have to worry about bringing her back. I would let her warm me every chance she got. My fantasies spun wildly out of control, but it was the only way I could keep my mind from racing the other way, towards Bella's possible death. Carlisle was reading a book about modern medicine while Emmett put ear phones in to watch a movie. I looked to see what the movie was because Emmett was contemplating all the moves he would have been making in each fight sequence. Fight Club, of course, I suppressed laughter at his many thoughts. I dove deeper into Emmett's mind, watching him mentally kick Brad Pitt's ass. It was quite entertaining. When the movie ended I started searching through Carlisle's mind to see if he had found anything interesting to read. He was reading about a new technology to remove different kinds of brain cancer that are almost impossible to get to without damaging the patient. â€Å"We are about to land in Phoenix Arizona where the time is nine twenty-seven. Looks like we are going to be arriving on a beautiful sunny day, where the temperature is eighty eight degrees,† the stewardess announced over the intercom. The plane began descending towards Phoenix. All I could think about was running across the airport and embracing Bella. The thought of her blushing face as I brought her lips to mine in greeting sent me above the edge, I was holding myself to the seat trying not to leapt up and break through the plane. Uh, Edward†¦you're about to break the seat's arm rests. Emmett smirked in my direction. I looked down and realized that I had left large hand imprints on the seats. I folded my arms across my chest. I felt a jolt as the plane landed onto the concrete air strip. I started to feel a sign of relief when I heard Alice's thoughts. Looks like his plane just landed. I hope Jasper brings Bella back from getting breakfast soon. Jasper is alone with Bella? I was instantly nervous. Why would she let him take her somewhere with no supervision? The plane moved slowly down the tarmac until we reached our gate. The slowness of the air crew had me day dreaming of just bursting through the side of the airplane to get to her. The door was finally opened and they let first class off the plane. We were the first ones to the exit but then we had to deal with the crowd outside the airplane. I began edging through the crowd at the slowest human pace I could imagine. Each second of knowing how close I was but still not there sent anger surging through my veins at the slow human sloths. As we moved closer to the baggage claim I began staring over the heads of the crowd, looking for any sign of Bella. Out of nowhere Alice was standing stock still in front of me with a piece of paper in her hand. Her eyes were wide with horror. â€Å"What is that?† I gasped. She was hiding something from me as she began thinking of different fashion designers from around the world. â€Å"It's from Bella,† Alice cried. â€Å"Where is she?† I began looking around the crowd, hoping beyond hope that she was not in some sort of danger. Alice's hand held out the piece of parchment. I snatched it out of her hand and quickly read over it. Edward, I love you. I am so sorry. He has my mom and I have to try. I know it may not work. I am so very, very sorry. Don't be angry with Alice and Jasper. If I get away from them it will be a miracle. Tell them thank you for me. Alice especially, please. And please, please don't come after him. That's what he wants, I think. I can't bear it if anyone has to be hurt because of me, especially you. Please, this is the only thing I can ask you now. For me. I love you. Forgive me. Bella. â€Å"Wasn't she in the airport with you?† I shouted. Alice cringed from my words but her face showed great sadness. â€Å"Yes,† she whispered. â€Å"Where's Jasper?† my eyes narrowed and I began to see through a red tint. Suddenly Alice showed me two terrifying visions she had since I left Seattle. I dove into her mind as the future continually shifted. The first was a vision of Bella lying on the ground in the ballet studio, I assumed, beaten and dead with James standing over her ?C blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. I felt like I could barely stand. My life was ?C over, gone. She showed me the second vision. Bella telling Jasper she has to go to the bathroom and her running straight through to another exit, fleeing the airport ?C alone. Unconsciously I was running towards the bathroom in Alice's vision. Jasper appeared in my vision and I heard his thoughts. She sure is taking a long time to go to the bathroom. I guess I'm not sure how long it takes for someone to go to the bathroom. I rushed past him and into the ladies bathroom. Loud screams erupted as I started opening stall after stall looking for Bella. I could barely smell her presence in the bathroom. The rest of my family flew in behind me. I rounded on Jasper. â€Å"Why didn't you watch after her?† I cried out. My stomach started plummeting horribly as each second passed. â€Å"She asked to go to the bathroom. I didn't know she would†¦run away,† Jasper looked shocked and ashamed. I didn't have any time to waste; I had to find Bella before she walked into James' lethal hands. I took in a deep breath trying to locate her scent. When I found it I flew out of the bathroom using the other exit and ran towards an elevator. I pressed the button several times impatiently. The elevator was too slow so I rushed down the stairs, opening the door to each floor to take a whiff of the air, looking for Bella. I finally opened the door to the most delicious fragrance, like she was standing in front of me. It must not have been long ago that she was there. I continued to take in deep breaths of the glorious fragrance until I was running outside where her scent no longer lingered at the end of the side walk. I looked up and the warm sun was shining brightly in the sky. I looked down at the edge of the shadow I stood on – where Bella last stood. I fell to my knees as I realized I couldn't follow. Pain began searing through my veins as I realized I was too late to save he r. A scream of agony almost escaped my lips as my body ripped into two. There was no way to find her and I realized that my other half, Bella, would forever be gone.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Basic Senior Year Financial Questions Assignment - 1

Basic Senior Year Financial Questions - Assignment Example Net present value recognizes time value of money and such appreciates that a shilling now is more valuable than a shilling tomorrow and the two can only be compared if they are at their present value. This is another modern method of discounting cash flow because the technique uses the principle of NPV. It is defined as the rate which the present value of cash outflows of an investment equates the initial capital invested. IRR will accept a venture if its IRR is higher than or equal to the minimum required rate of return which is usually the cost of finance also known as the cut off rate or hurdle rate, and in this case IRR will be the highest rate of interest a firm would be ready to pay to finance a project using borrowed funds and without being financially worse off by paying back the loan (the principal and accrued interest) out of the cash flows generated by that project. Thus, IRR is the break-even rate of borrowing from commercial banks. This method gauges the viability of a venture by taking the inflows and outflows over time to ascertain how soon a venture can payback and for this reason PBP (or payout period or payoff) is that period of time or duration it will take an investment venture to generate sufficient cash inflows to payback the cost of such investment. This is a popular approach among the traditional financial managers because it helps them ascertain the time it will take to recoup in form of cash from operations the original cost of the venture. This method is usually an important preliminary screening stage of the viability of the venture and it may yield clues to profitability although in principle it will measure how fast a venture may payback rather than how much a venture will generate in profits and yet the main objectives of an investment is not to recoup the original cost but also to earn a profit for the owners or

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The aftermath of the global financial crisis 2007-2008 Essay

The aftermath of the global financial crisis 2007-2008 - Essay Example Aftermath of 2008 financial crisis In a nutshell, the financial crisis has been the reflection of the imbalance between the growth of real markets and financial sectors. Some major US banks made easy availability of housing loans to its customers, which in turn had led to unprecedented debt-levels, as accounted to be three times the GDP in the US and Europe. Many of the banks’ customers defaulted in repayments of these loans and this bubble burst added liquidity and caused bankruptcy and closing down of these banks. The total economic impacts of this crisis has been accounted as one third of the total values of all companies worldwide. More significantly and obviously, millions of employees lost their jobs and many of them were pushed to poverty. When the recent financial turmoil has hit several economies worldwide, it was observed that due to the crisis, assets prices have been inflated, currents accounts reported larger deficits and slowed-down economic growth of most nation s. Though these were quite commonly reported and widely discussed impacts of the crisis, changes in equity prices, employment and output were more dangerous impacts being studied and reviewed by some literatures. Reinhart and Rogoff (2009, p. 466) found that financial crisis in rich countries and emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, India and China have caused tremendous changes in economic variables in common. Broadly speaking, there have been major changing-patterns in housing and equity prices, unemployment rate, government revenues and debt. They detailed that major three impacts of the global credit crisis were a) collapse in assets market, b) profound declines in output and increase in unemployment and c) government’s debt explosions. The financial crisis has caused accumulation of stock of wealth with greater risks and losses in stock markets in almost all developed and emerging economies. The losses in stock market have been accounted as between 30 and 70 percent in 2008. The value of fund-assets have been declined by 25 or more percent by 2008 September and 2009 April. A number of companies found that their capitalization as already wiped out and as a result many of such companies became bankrupt. One very significant sign of this crisis has been falling housing prices in all those crisis-hit countries (Germain 2009, p. 672). Another major consequence of the recent financial crisis was decline in real per capita GDP. During the crisis, the decline in real GDP was smaller for advanced nations as compared with those of emerging countries. The financial crisis has been contaminating smooth functioning of the economy as it has generated a decline in the GDP during 2008 and 2009. According to IMF’s findings, the global activity would be contracted by 1.4 percent in 2009. GDP in real terms would be declining by 2.6% in the US, 4.8 % in the Euro-zone, 6.2 % in Germany and 4.2% in Spain (Pike and Tomaney 2010, p. 507). The 2008 financial crisis has increased the rate of unemployment worldwide. As a result, absolute poverty was more likely to rise in many countries. income disparities were found in most regions of the world due to severe financial crisis. It was projected that global unemployment would be increased by

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What is it like to be a bat by thomas nagel Essay

What is it like to be a bat by thomas nagel - Essay Example hermore, if one is particularly good at a thing that another species is capable of doing then they always have a partial and at the same time incomplete understanding. Reductionism is the philosophical is a point of view that a complex system is but the sum of its parts. Nagel stated that any reductionist program should be based on critical analysis of what is to be reduced. In his view, if something is purposely left out then, the problem will be falsely posed. Likewise, to base the defense of materialism on a given analysis of mental facts that explicitly neglects subjective character (Horst, 17). Nagel at the implied physicalism isnt necessarily true. Assuming a physicalist hypothesis initiates with a faulty analysis of mind no conclusion can be true. To him, it is truer to imply that physicalism is a position one cannot understand many lacks conception of its truthfulness (Sachse, 78). Nagel then uses the illustration that mental states area given states of the body while mental events are physical events. Rats are used to give the simplest of analysis since their experience is unknown to many (Nagel,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Assessment and Evaluation in the Work Place Essay

Assessment and Evaluation in the Work Place - Essay Example It is in the light of this that recruiters in such organizations must be conscious of the need for these diversity of skills and abilities and the most effective means of developing and utilizing them in the achievement of the aims and objectives of institutions such as the open and distance learning system (David). The present object of the study is to critically analyse and reflect upon your learning styles, skills, strengths & weaknesses, plan how you can develop them and learn from the experience. The study aims is to enable learning from the whole experience of work including a focus on learning generic skills and knowledge from the workplace. These include: understanding organisational structures, induction programmes, personal development and lifelong learning through reflection and critical analysis. The stakeholders of workplace include consumers, workers, managers, supervisors, and union officials, etc. who each bring their own perspectives and expectations. There are different types of workplace regarding various corners of life and various corners of working. The Coordinator position must be supported by the grant and/or match funds from the business and/or labor union. There are work places where students work for their academicals, workplace for workers who work for their profession. Our present concern is the workplace regarding students. 3. Difference of Assessment philosophy in the World Assessment methodology is differed in various regions in various respects in the world. Teachers often differ in the way they like to collect data. Some prefer to have a single checklist, naming all the students in the class (or in one work group) across the top and listing the criteria to be assessed down the side. The students' columns are then marked if a criterion is met. In this case some information would have to be transferred later to a student's individual record. Other teachers prefer to have one assessment sheet per student, which is forms part of the student's record. That sheet would list the factors for assessment down the side, but along the top might be a series of dates indicating when assessment took place. Such an individual file would illustrate development over the year. In this case, information might have to be transferred from the record to the official class mark book, as required. 4. Assessment in the Work Place Much research in education around the world is currently focusing on assessment and evaluation. It has become clear, as more and more research findings accumulate, that a broader range of attributes need to be assessed and evaluated than has been considered in the past. A wide variety of ways of doing this are suggested. Assessment and evaluation are best addressed from the viewpoint of selecting what appears most valid in allowing students to illustrate what they have learned. Time management in the workplace is great resource for employees to help manage their daily activities. This article

Thursday, July 25, 2019

England. World Civilization Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

England. World Civilization Class - Essay Example Children suffered as the societies lived in very deplorable conditions. Formal settlements were rare as many people engaged in farming and could not maintain very descent and clean surrounding as it is possible today. There was poor planning of settlements, poor road infrastructure, poor sanitation, and poor and dangerous working conditions. Generally, civilization of the world passed through difficult moments and this is clearly evident through learning history of England. Modern History Sourcebook: Friederich Engels: Industrial Manchester, 1844 This article is the work of Paul Halsal who made reference to work of Friendrich Engels to communicate the realities and experiences of industrial revolution and world civilization. The article appears to target residents of Manchester City in London and Europeans in general and intends to inform them about the need to protect and preserve their surroundings. The story of Friederich Engels indicates that the condition of the city was notorio us and very unfit for human survival1. The city characterized with poor settlement planning that left very narrow paths that two people could not pass through at the same time. 2The story of Friedrich describe how some could easy miss the right direction and instead make countless rounds within the courts before finding the right way, â€Å"He who turns to the left here from the main street, Long Millgate, is lost; he wanders from one court to another.†3 The article uncovers the true reality of health risks that the inhabitants of Manchester were vulnerable to. The article sadly describes the nature of the open pit dumpsites and contaminated, smelly and dirty rivers that made it hard for any visitor to the region have easy breath of air. From the general description of the ancient Manchester city, this article seems to pass very crucial information concerning the need to preserve the environment considering the efforts and time it took to make Manchester city what it is today . In so doing, the article appears to persuade and convince the audience who are particularly resident of Manchester city to work hard to protect serenity of the city. Unlike today that it is easy and enjoyable to live in Manchester city, it was initially very difficult and problematic to live in the city. The move by Halsal to select this article with such mysterious reality about the past of Manchester City seems to be one to persuade residents of the city and Europe in general to work hard and value the kind of infrastructure they currently enjoy4. The article gives the audience substantial reason to fight towards protection of the environment and appreciate the work and struggle of their forefathers who seemingly worked hard to change the condition. The article also appears to discredit widespread believe that European countries and England in particular never succumbed or experienced poverty. As demonstrated by Friedrich in his article, situating in England and Manchester in pa rticular that was by then the richest city of the country had very bad road infrastructure that were generally impassable. Housing facilities were unbearable and environment was very unhealthy and unfit for human survival. Modern History Sourcebook: Women Miners in the English Coal Pits The author of the article develops his communication about the past by referring to the Parliamentary papers of 1842 Great Britain Parliament. This article describes a very sad but truth situation about the history of world’s civilization. The article concentrates and appears to be very compassionate about the suffering of women and children in the coalmines in England. 5It was through the suffering that the members of the society could earn living and place food on their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Construction Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Construction Law - Essay Example placed on par with other kinds of projects because delays in construction and claims arising out of such delays have always been an integral part of construction law. According to Yates and Epstein, there is an enormous amount of time, energy and cost that is devoted to delay claims which do not strictly begin around the time of completion of the job, rather these delays commence right at the inception stage of the project itself.2 The Protocol states that the process of analysis of delay can only begin to be addressed when there is an understanding about what work was carried out and when such work was carried out, as a result, the Protocol recommends that contractors maintain a written record of what work is to be carried out on the project and when it is to be done over the specified time period. However, as McCredie points out, this causes difficulties, not only in terms of the extensive record keeping which the contractor will now have to maintain, but also from the point of vie w of correlating those records with schedules and locations3. In the case of Great eastern Hotel Company Ltd4, charges of negligence by contractor and resultant losses thereof as claimed by Great eastern Hotel were not upheld by the court and no relief was allowed for losses sustained. In this case, the difficulties in establishing causation of delay leading to losses were also demonstrated. There is no definite court precedent to establish causation of loss due to delays and in this case, it was pointed out that the Courts have not laid down any formal tests to establish causation, rather they have relied upon commonsense and an interpretation of the individual facts in a particular case in order to determine whether the breach of the contract was a sufficiently substantial cause of the claimant’s loss.5 Therefore the party that violates the contract is liable only if the breach was in effect the â€Å"effective cause† of his loss.6 An action for losses caused by a breach of

Scripts and Counterscripts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scripts and Counterscripts - Essay Example The four distinct scripts merge into one dominant script evident throughout in the society, authorities and the press. This comprehensive script is widely acceptable; it is almost impossible to live without. They rule us every day and give a false sense of security, thus free of all threats. It promises false security, tells us that if we are safe then we are happy. Homelessness or residue of anger and insanity is fruits of war and destruction of the environment. This script challenges us via sales promotion, hearsays and ideologies that are pleasant to hear and affords us happiness. The safety illusion given to us by this script is deficient of critical reflection. He strongly states that although, they assure hums, safety and happiness, the scripts are dehumanizing leading people towards a false comfort zones. The scripts make us overlook the need to depend on the Creator and deny us true peace and personal satisfaction (Peter, 1976). He depicts the script as a complete failure, a stand he argues many people would not support. He adds that there is no happiness or safety attributable to the script and that more insecurity and unhappiness will arise from them. His closing remarks on the script are that, â€Å"the key to personal and spiritual wholeness lies in rejecting the script†. This article is a true representation of how to manipulate and indecisive human behavior. Through the use, of scripts and counter scripts, we are able to discern how humans react to different, influential factors. In the scripts, humans are victims of illusions of the world, which they totally believe to a point of even overlooking the true, reliable source of their help (explained in the elusive theory). I personally agree with Brueggemann, on his alternative script argument that, darned often we still are in crisis of enlightenment about the Creator. We shy off when expressing people’s thought about God acting in their midst for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Poetry - Essay Example The last line is broken down â€Å"so-long-lives-this-and-this-gives-life-to-thee.† So quatrain or couplet within â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day† has 10 syllables. This qualifies the poem as a sonnet. The rhyme structure of this poem is a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g. An example is the first quatrain has the rhymes â€Å"day† and â€Å"May† in the first and third lines. The second and fourth lines rhyme with â€Å"temperate† and â€Å"date†. The second quatrain rhymes â€Å"shines† and â€Å"declines† in the fifth and seventh line. The sixth and eighth line rhymes â€Å"dimmed† and â€Å"untrimmed†. The ninth and eleventh line rhymes with â€Å"fade† and â€Å"shade†. The tenth and twelfth line rhyme with â€Å"ow’st† and â€Å"grow’st†. The final two lines rhyme with â€Å"see† and â€Å"thee†. This rhyming pattern is a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g patterning. Finally, Shakespeare’s â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day† has the topic of beauty and love. Although it is not a requirement to have a love sonnet, Shakespeare use the technique. â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day† is in the style of a Petrarchan Sonnet. The Petrarchan Sonnet is the Italian formed. The English, especially Shakespeare, used this typical technique subject of love. The Petrarchan Sonnet usually spoke of love, beauty, or love not requited. â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day† also contains a volta. A volta is a shift in topic in the third quatrain. In the beginning Shakespeare is declaring undying love and comparison to life. However, in the third quatrain the subject leads to death and fading. For

Monday, July 22, 2019

Peat Soil Essay Example for Free

Peat Soil Essay Peat is generally found in thick layers in limited areas, has low shear strength and high compressive deformation which often results in difficulties when construction work is undertaken on the deposit. Peat represents the extreme form of soft soil. It is an organic soil which consists more than 75% of organic matters. However, the cutoff value of the percentage of organic matter necessary to classify a superficial deposit or soil as peat varies throughout the world, usually depending on the purpose of classification. This cutoff value also serves to differentiate peat from superficial deposits or soils with lesser amounts of organic content. The terms peat and organic soils, used for describing soils with an organic content, were once synonymous but term organic soils is presently used for superficial deposits or soils that contain organic matter. Figure 1 Location of Peat Soil in Malaysia PEAT SOIL SUBSIDENCE Draining of peatland lowers water table causing subsidence Rate of subsidence 20 – 50 cm per year over a period of 5 years after drainage thereafter 5 cm per year. Oxidation acidity: Peatland water is acidic once drained, peatwater causes severe damage to flora fauna habitats in adjacent areas. Compaction or shrinkage of peat soils may cause groundwater containing fertilizer or pesticide residues to flow from agricultural area to adjacent water catchment area.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Johnson and johnson

Johnson and johnson a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Executive Summary Johnson and Johnson company has planned a new product lounge in the market specifically for Pakistan where a big number of peoples having not enough awareness of bacterial and germs infection. The product named as Pak antibacterial soap is designed that provides quick, easy and effective hand washing. Proper hand washing is the most effective preventative measure available to combat communicable diseases. Skin problems are common for people of all ages. Whether you suffer with a rash, itchy skin, skin fungus or infection, skin bumps, or skin tags. Improper handwashing. The Market Through analysed facts and figures Johnson and Johnsons Pak antibacterial soap is wide market such as mothers, children and employees. The target market has population of more than 160 million in which 68% of people are not properly wash their hands before eating. People of the country are not much aware about the bacterial infections. So JJ planned an attractive marketing strategy which will educate the people and provide healthy life in their own hands. Based on detailed financial projections,JJwill require22 million Pakistani Rupees and will generatepositive cash flowin first quarter, Year 1. Sales Forecast b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction 1.a  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Background: Johnson and Johnson (JJ) is a global pharmaceutical product company. This company is a well known organization. The company started its first production in 1886 and after one year in 1987 it is incorporated. The company headquarter is in New Brunswick located at prime location. b.b  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  History: The company Johnson n Johnson was found in 1886 (around 120 years ago) on a revolutionary idea by Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson and Edward Mead Johnson when doctors and nurses started to using bandages and dressing, sterile suture for treating wounded peoples. The company has maintained friendly environment and very keen in health and safety from the beginning, they first time used non-polycarbonate containers instead of plastic bottles. JJ uses a largest solar power generator as a member of Green House for keeping the environment. b.c  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Corporate chairmanship of the Company v Robert Wood Johnson I 1887-1910 v James Wood Johnson 1910-1932 v Robert Wood Johnson II 1932-1963 v Philip B. Hofmann 1963-1973 v Richard B. Sellars 1973-1976 v James E. Burke 1976-1989 v Ralph S. Larsen 1989-2002 v William C. Weldon 2002- b.d  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Corporate Governance: Board of directors of Johnson Johnson are listed below: Mary Sue Coleman, James G. Cullen, Dominic Caruso, Michael M.E. Johns, Ann Dibble Jordan, Arnold G. Langbo, Susan L. Lindquist, Leo F. Mullin, Christine A. Poon, Steven S. Reinemund, David Satcher, and William C. Weldon. In the first period of their development during 1886 to 1926 they got success to establish a company in New Brunswick and they focused on sterile surgical dressing to save the lives of patients. They participate in saving peoples lives in1906 Francisco disaster. Their global expansion began in 1919 from Canada and 1924 from England. During Their 2nd period of product lines expansion been b.e  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company Structure: JJ is with several business segments in all around the world with 250 companies in 57 countries. The companies are concerning with following particular areas: Consumer Health Care Medical Devices and Diagnostics Pharmaceuticals Products of JJ: Medical Devices and Diagnostics: JJ is helping hospitals with the technologies to restore the joys of precious life of human being who are suffering with diseases and chronic conditions all around the world. They are providing more than 20 kind of technological devices including Orthopedics, Implants, Joint Replacements, Sports Medicins, Heart and Vascular Diseases etc. b.f  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Consumer Products: For improving the quality of every day life the consumer companies of JJ target the baby care, skin and hair care, oral care, nutritional, pain relief, topical care and much more. Their vision is very clear and the companys slogan is BRINGING SCIENCE TO THE ART OF HEALTHY LIVINGâ„ ¢. b.g  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Pharmaceutical segment: Johnson Johnson invested over $5 billion in 2008 on RD. This investments majority was in five therapeutic areas where the Pharmaceutical segment is strategically focused and where there continues to be significant unmet medical need. Following areas are included: cardiovascular disease and metabolism, neuroscience (including pain); infectious disease, immunology and oncology. b.h  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recent Products: J J is continue to providing healthier life to their consumers. Here are some recent products lounged by the company: AVEENO ® Intense Relief Repair Cream AVEENO ® POSITIVELY AGELESSâ„ ¢ Firming Body Lotion AVEENO ® POSITIVELY AGELESSâ„ ¢ Warming Scrub CLEAN CLEAR ® ADVANTGE ® Blackhead Eraserâ„ ¢ Exfoliating Cleanser JOHNSONS ® HEAD-TO-TOE ® Foaming Wash JOHNSONS ® Baby Bubble Bath Wash 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Situation analysis: Our antibacterial soap is specially produced to protect people from germs and bacteria. Especially in Pakistan where is not a complete understanding of peoples about the bacterial infection. People in third World countries are not fully aware of these kinds of problems. Even in rural areas of Pakistan where people are not literate, they are facing new skin problems every day. Our new product targets those areas of the third world where people are not aware of bacterial protection. First we focus people who are living in rural areas of Pakistan especially interior Balochistan. 1.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Market Summary: 1.1.1Market Demographic: According to a survey population and growth rate of Pakistan is under the following: Population of the country: 172,800,000 (according to July 2008 best estimation) Growth rate of population: 2.2% (according to 2008 estimation) Birth ratio: 31 births per 1,000 population (2008 est.) Death ratio: 8 deaths per 1,000 population (2008 est.) Net migration ratio: -1.0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2008 est.) Refr:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  wiki In this survey more than 68% population of Pakistan is living in rural areas where people are not aware about the bacterial infections. 1.2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  External Analysis: 1.2.1Political Analysis: Constant political instability does affect the company in terms of building relations with the governments. It is very difficult to maintain long term relations with all the governments. Pakistan is aligning with US against the terrorism and because of this their peoples are victims of terrorism and are stressed. 1.2.2Environmental Analysis: Solid waste burning, bad-quality fuels, and the growing use of motor vehicles are contributing towards in air pollution that in some cities as exceeded levels deemed safe by the World Health Organization. The country is suffering a lot from the dry climates. The country has poor water infrastructure even more than 70% population dont have refined water for drinking. Moreover country has not a proper sewerage system. 1.2.3Social Analysis: JJ has to be very careful according to implementation of its promotional campaign. Since the social culture of Pakistan is very conservative and any suggestive advertisement face a lot of reactions on the part of consumers. 1.2.4Technological Analysis: Pakistan is a big consumer of new technology. Internet companies are providing a wide range of coverage. Transportation is cheaper than other big countries but there is a big problem of electricity. Existing infrastructure is unable to fulfil the complete requirements of the country. 1.2.5Economical Analysis: The economic condition of Pakistan will always affect the company. As Pakistan inflation rate is going high and high and income of peoples is not increasing as pricing of products are going up. Pakistan has a semi-industrialized economical country. The growth poles of the countrys economy are situated along the Sindh River (Indus River), diversified economies of Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad are located with less developed areas in other parts of the country. Pakistans economic growth rate has been increased in last 40 years and getting strong as compare to 1947. But still there are not enough facilities that fulfil economic requirements of the population. 1.2.6Legal Analysis: There are no legal issues in Pakistan for JJ as company meets all the legal requirement of the country. 1.3 SWOT Analysis: 1.3.1Strengths: The major strength of JJ in Pakistan is affiliation and support from the Johnson and Johnson global organization which has a good reputation in health sector. Another advantage is availability of high technology infrastructure. JJ never compromise on the quality of services and the products, they provide to the consumer. 1.3.2Weaknesses: JJ have only a weakness that they are coming in that market where already have strong competitors and they are well known and have very strong relations with the consumers. Accordingly JJ is not enough strong in that market so capturing new market is very challenging goal for the company. 1.3.3Opportunities: Although the existing antibacterial soap manufactures have already started the campaign to be aware peoples of the country about the bacterial infection but there is still a big market to capture. We believe that JJ have an opportunity to capture rural areas of the country where people have not mentally prepared to buy these antibacterial products. In urban areas people of Pakistan already familiar with JJ baby shampoo and other valued products for baby care, they will automatically buy these products. 1.3.4Threats: In every market there is a chance of new comer in the same field. Soap industry has very good margins and growing up and up day by day, so there is always a chance to have more competitors. Other main players in the antibacterial soap category (Safeguard by PG, Dettol by Reckitt Benckiser and Lifebuoy by Unilever) in Pakistan have strong positioned their brands for everyday use against bacteria. They are offering some sort of additions in their products by regular basis, they can challenge JJ by providing new improvements and they also reduce their prices to beat JJ in competition. 1.4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Competitor Analysis: The following are three big companies are already operating in this area. 1.4.1PG Proctor Gamble has positioned to provide every day new advertisement and they have 20 percent of market share. A series of marketing campaign distinguished safeguard soap to all other market competitors. They have variety of types and different flavours of products. 1.4.2Uniliver Uniliver have 10 percent market share in the target market. They started marketing campaign and competing with PG but their marketing strategy is not as effective as PG has. 1.4.3Reckitt Benckiser Reckitt Benckiser are producing antibacterial soap named Dettol Soap, they have 5 percent of market share. They are well behind the both top companies products (Unilivers Lifebouy and PGs Safeguard). 1.5Distribution Pattern Analysis Regional providers are providing distribution in the soap industry. These distributors serve a large portion of the market based on the size of the market and delivering to the organizations monthly and weekly depending on the demand of the company and usage patterns. Food services deliveries typically of cleaning products once in a month. Hospitals have a different distribution system; they receive monthly a large amount of soaps. Restaurants typically receive once in a week delivery of soaps and the stores receives some times weekly and some times after two week according to the demand. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Objectives Develop a complete prototype which meets regulatory standards by June2010. Become thespecialty soap of choice for day cares across the Pakistan by December 2010. Achieve sales of Rs10 million by the end of 2010. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mission Statement: Johnson and Johnson believe on the launching of new products. Business must make a sound profit. We must experiment with new ideas. Research must be carried on, innovative programs developed and mistakes paid for. New equipment must be purchased, new facilities provided and new products launched. Johnson and Johnson is an innovative consumer company which provide new products and new ideas in health sector. Johnson and Johnson never compromise on quality and have well reputation around the world. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vision: Johnsons Johnsons vision is very clear. There vision is: -Keeping children free of infection We partner with Task Force for Global Health so children can stay healthy -Focussing on Wellness and prevention We remain commited to expand the ways we care the people through out the World. -Fulfilling new need of new markets Our vision is to improve the quality of peoples daily life. Peoples and values are our companys biggest assets. We know that our companys every invention and every product is powered by the people. We also recognise that different age, nationality and sexual orientation, physical ability, thinking ability and backgrounds bring richness to our work environment. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Strategy Our executive team willbuild loyaltyfor our products withdecision-level managers of the organizations in the target markets, and they will create such a strategy in which target people directly target. For this purpose they will make some effective advertisement and will use children, male and mothers to deliver the specific messages to the audience. 6.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Strategy Pyramid Ourultimate strategyisto build JJ products intothe standard forhome and workplacehand washing and bathing for cleanings and free of bacteria by targeting daily routine of children, mothers and workers. We will contract the insurance, advertising companies as well as government companies to start strong branding campaign to make aware of the peoples of the brand. 6.2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Competitive Strategy: To achieve good results we need to concentrate on the quality price and the same time on the competitors. PG is providing a good product with cheap price. According to the Porters Generic Strategy we will use diversification because our product and market is new, where risk of level is high we need to provide low cost soap and with some new and different attributes of our new brand soap. Reckitt Benckiser is also lounged a campaign through advertisement to educate children about the bacterial infection. Same time Uniliver is playing vital role and they are also focusing on the school level children. In accordance to above factors Johnson Johnson is very keen on pricing and quality of products. 6.3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marketing Strategy For our initial target market of home consumers, JJ will implement two parallel marketing efforts. One is aimed to the parents of young children who use this antibacterial soap and other is to educate the children regarding bacterial infection. We need to create a push factor by effectively convincing the mothers of children that our product provides an ideal solution for the bacterial infection to the hand washing compliance and bathing.A branding campaign will build awareness and provide education the children of rural areas where children do not have a proper education of germs and bacteria in their daily life. 6.4Market Segmentation: 6.4.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Demographic: Our antibacterial soap targets the children, adult and households. According to CIA World Fact book age structure of Pakistan is: Age structure: 0-14 years: 36.7% (male 33,037,943/female 31,092,572) 15-64 years: 59.1% (male 53,658,173/female 49,500,786) 65 years and over: 4.2% (male 3,495,350/female 3,793,734) (2009 EST.) Our primary target are children and females those are more than 50% of total population who want to fulfil an everyday needs. Females are very conscious about their health and skin diseases. They want full protection against bacteria. We also believe that children are potential agents of change in life and imparting education of the importance of hand washing with antibacterial soap will bring healthy habits in their early life. 6.4.2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Market Growth: The overall market of soap is growing up by 10% in recent scenario and particularly 7% growth in antibacterial soap in Pakistan. 6.4.3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socioeconomic Middle class and upper middle class will be the main target of the product. Primary target will be cities and surrounding areas of the cities. Rural market penetration is limited and is primarily driven through wholesalers. Psychographic: In this we can target young house wives and mothers who care about the health of whole family and can educate their children about bacterial infections, health and hygiene. 6.4.4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Positioning Strategy Our strategy is to provide healthy life with low cost product and high quality. Our product provides conclusive evidence every time a child washes his or her hands for only a marginally higher cost than traditional soaps. The cost is significantly less than gloves or other hand washing liquids available in the market. 6.5Product 6.5.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Product Name: Pak Soap 6.5.2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Product Type: Anti-bacterial Soap 6.5.3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ingredients: Tricloson Palm Oil Water Sodium laurel Sulphate Laura Mide DEA Glycole Disterate Cocamidopropyl betaine Sodium Sulphate Fragrance Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride Citric Acid Hydanation Tetra Sodium EDTA FCD Red No 4 FDC yellow No 5 Alovera Vitamin E 6.5.4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Physical and Chemical Properties: Boiling Point:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Above 21 oF Specific Gravity:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1.02 Volatile by Volume:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  80% approx Solubility in Water:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complete Evaporation Rate:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Same as Water 6.5.5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Convenience good: The product will provide complete protection from all seen and unseen germs and bacteria. 6.6Pricing Strategy Retail pricing for anti bacterial soap will generally be around Rs8/eachand will command a 30% price premium overother available conventional liquidsoaps available in the market. Our values product will not be only attractive toextremely price sensitive customers it will also capture the buyers who are very much caring of their health. The soap market is generally inelastic, but we offer some different benefits overcurrent available soaps that justify the different qualities and price. 6.7  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Promotion: 6.7.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Agency Selection Around 135 advertising agencies working in the market but Johnson Johnson has selected Manhattan International Limited (MIL) Advertising Company because the company has extraordinary technology and well reputation with government and civil sector in Pakistan. TV Advertisement Radio Ads News Paper and Magazines Sign Boards 6.8  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Place Pak soap has also planned an in-store placement strategy to promote and market their product so to have maximum visibility to the consumer; they have assigned dedicated shelves to the product and are also promoting their product in metro and makro as well. Their placement strategy is mainly focused on v Place Pak Soap next to Safeguard v Equal or more faces than Safeguard, Dettol and Lifebouy. v Place between Dettol Safeguard where Possible. v Build brand block wherever possible. 6.9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Distribution Strategy Initially our distribution strategy will involve a combination of both distributors and direct sales through some available channels in the market.Relationships with local Pakistani distributors then will be established for promotional reach and potential users. Our executive team will get the first order after direct delivery to the wholesalers and will give some discount to them.In the future entirely outsourcing distribution will allowJohnson Johnson to focus its efforts on marketing and expanding as quickly as possible. 6.10  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Action Plan 6.10.1Gantt chart 6.11Financial Strategy (Budgeting): Johnson Johnson pvt ltd is a sub company of Johnson Johnson which operates in the country. This project is only for Rs22 million. We will buy machinery for production of soap which will cost only Rs120,000 and purchase for Raw material is only cost for Pakistani Rs.40000. So all other expenses and salaries of employees for production for the first quarter is can be seen in the following: Pak soap is a Rs 1 billion brand annually and so the marketing budget allocated to it approx 20 % of total Net revenue, not much resources have been allocated to Pak soap marketing efforts due to its squeezed margins and close competition with other antibacterial soaps, it mainly derives its sales from the brand equity of Pak Soap. 6.12Sales Forecast 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Evaluation and Control Johnson Johnson is a family company that prides itself on improving the health and well being of its consumers. By targeting all age groups, socioeconomic statuses, and partnering consumers, the new product will provid 22 million of net profit for the first quarter after the launching of the antibacterial soap, which is the actual amount of the projectDomestic sales increased .2%, while international sales increased 13.8% (2.6% from operations and 11.2% from currency). These figures represent Johnson Johnson meeting and exceeding consumer needs, which is partly the reason why it is a Fortune 500 company. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conclusion and Recommendations: We have carefully research and analysed the market strategies adopted by Johnson Johnson Pakistan to boost the sales of new anti-bacterial soap () in the country and in first quarter Johnson Johnson will capture the 20% of market share. Following are the some suggestions for Johnson Johnson Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.: Price of soap will be set the according to the competitors. If competitors reduce their price they reduce their margin and should reduce the price. After successfully launched they should provide some flavours in the soap, so customers can enjoy different flavours as the other competitor Safeguard have 7 flavours in the market. Start a program in which they can educate children, industrial workers and mothers by hiring teams which will go door to door. 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Individual Critical Reflection Report: Marketing Management subject was never interested for me before studying this module. When I started to learn, very first class creates my interest in this subject in which tutor gave us an assignment to analyse the market, which was the turning point for me. And we visited some clothing stores than I get knowledge about how to analyse the different things. Before starting my MBA I was not familiar with the appropriate terminologies used in the marketing field, but I was very much sure that I will understand these concepts. I have managerial experience but not in marketing field and I wasnt know even about to write the different types of marketing. As module was passing day by day I feel many things change in myself, for example when I visit any place or store I started to analyse the things around me. This is the first development which I feel in myself. The concept of learning through case studies was very effective. It polished my reading and implementation of concepts and I come to know how the concepts can be taken out from the printed and electronic Medias. This developed my reading power and I learned how we extract the main points from a whole passage. Initially when I start to read a passage I feel difficulties to take out specific points from the articles, but day by day I feel change in myself, I feel confident and really enjoy reading articles and magazines. Presenting on the front of the class is another opportunity which I got from marketing management module which is very important for a marketing manager or MBA student, because people says presentation is very important for sell some thing. By preparing Wilkinson case study in early classes and presenting on the front of the tutor was an awesome experience which developed a self confidence level and enhanced my presentation and speaking skills. By learning in very depth of the marketing concepts I understand how the all stakeholders are very important in the process of marketing such as how the competitors can effect on the business. After completing this module I can write the marketing plan for any organization as I did in this assignment. Now I know how to use the marketing mix and how we can analyse the performance and how can we position an organization in the marketing. Porters Generic Studies, Ansoffs matrix, consumer behaviour, segmentation strategy and decision power of buyers were new for me and now I completely understand that how these models can be implemented in the marketing strategy of a company. Evolution of marketing metrics, ethics and social responsibilities and managing a marketing team is now not difficult for me as I am planning to start my own business after my MBA, I am very happy that I have enough knowledge of measurement and control a marketing plan and how to write a project plan by assigning different tasks to different teams. As a conclusion the whole module was very helpful to build and develop marketing concepts for me. References and Bibliography: Course Book 1 / 27 LSBF (MBA)

Zigbee Networks And Applications Information Technology Essay

Zigbee Networks And Applications Information Technology Essay ZigBee networking has number of applications, these applications are not just limited to home automation, inventory tracking, and healthcare but its applications are taking into account in daily life routine. Home automation is one of the major application areas for ZigBee wireless networking. The typical data rate for home automation application is 10kbps in a typical resident building. The applications of home automations are further explained. Security Systems A security system might have several sensors, including motion detectors, security cameras and glass-break sensors, these devices are required to communicate with the central security centre by either wires or a wireless network. ZigBee-based security systems are simple to install and easy to upgrade Although ZigBee has a low data rate, it has still the capability to transfer images wirelessly with reasonable quality., ZigBee has been used in a wireless camera system which do record the videos of visitor at a Front door and then transmit these recordings to monitor inside the house. Meter-Reading Systems Utility meters are needed to be read on a regular basis so as to generate utility bills. One simple way to do this task is by reading the meter manually at home premises and then enters values into a database. A ZigBee-based automatic meter-reading (AMR) system has the capability to create wireless mesh networks across residential complexes that makes link meters with utilities corporate offices. By using AMR, it provides the opportunity to remotely monitor the residenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s electric, gas, and water usage. In this way it eliminates the need for a human to visit each residential unit on a monthly basis. Irrigation Systems ZigBee can be used as a part of sensor based irrigation system which is used in efficient water management. Sensors are installed across the landscaping field which can communicate to the irrigation panel. It communicates the soil moisture level at different depth levels to the irrigation panel. The panel controller than tells the watering time based on moisture level, plant type, time of day and the season readings. Light Control Systems One of the classic examples of using ZigBee is Light control in a house or commercial building. In a typical light installation system, it is necessary to install a wire from the light to a switch in order to turn on or off the light. No wired connection between the light and the switch is necessary if the light and switch are equipped with the ZigBee devices. In this way, any switch in the house can be assigned to turn on and off a specific light. A ZigBee-enabled recess light is much expensive compared to a regular recess light, but the installation cost of a ZigBee-enabled light is lower than regular recess light as it requires no extra wiring to a wall switch. Wireless remotes to control the lights is not a new concept in our daily life, By using ZigBee it provides the opportunity to implement this versatile concept on a large scale by ensuring long battery life. Multi zone HVAC Systems The multizone control system have the ability to allow a single heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) unit to have separate temperature zones in a house. Zoning the HVAC system can be very helpful as it saves the energy by controlling the air flow to each room and preventing the cooling or heating to unnecessary areas. ZigBee devices control the motors based on the commands they receive from the main HVAC zone Control panel and temperature sensors. Hotel Guest Room Access ZigBee-based systems can replace the magnetic key card systems which are widely used in hotels in order to access the guest rooms. The traditional room are accessed by plastic cards which have a magnetic strip on their back. The card reader installed on the guest door reads the information that is encoded on to the magnetic strip to allow or deny access to the room. The Installation of this reader to each door requires wiring through the door. A ZigBee- based room access system have a portable ZigBee device that acts as the key and a battery-powered ZigBee device inside the door that locks and unlocks it, the ZigBee based room access system do not require wiring of each door. In this way it reduces the installation cost. Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are required to be checked after every 30 days in order to make sure that all canisters are charged and the filled in pressures are correct. Instead of checking the extinguishers manually, the alternative way is to connect a ZigBee-based monitoring system a sensor is to each fire extinguisher which will monitor its status and it will wirelessly communicate with the coordinator when maintenance is needed. A ZigBee-based monitoring system saves time and labor cost. It also helps to improve fire safety when the fire extinguisher is not working properly by alerting the authority. Remote Control ZigBee have applications that are used in wireless remote controls, game Controllers, a wireless mouse for a personal computer, and many other applications An infrared (IR) conventional remote control communicates with televisions, DVDs, and other entertainment devices through infrared signals. There are limitations of IR remotes. One of the limitation is that IR remotes that provide only one-way communication from the remote to the entertainment device. Also, IR signals do not have the ability to penetrate through the walls and other objects and it therefore require line of sight for its peroration properly. Radio frequency (RF) signals have the ability penetrate through walls and most objects. ZigBee is a suitable replacement technology for IR technology in remote controls as it is low cost and has long battery. ZigBee can be used to create a two way communication between the remote control and the entertainment device. For example, song information or on-screen programming options can be directly fed in to the remote itself, even when the remote control is not in the same room as the entertaining device. Healthcare One of applications of ZigBee in the healthcare industry is to monitor a Patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s vital health information remotely. For example a patient is staying at his home but for him it is important that his physician monitor his blood pressure and heart rate regularly continuously. A ZigBee network has the ability to collect the data from various sensors that are connected to the patient. The 802.15.4 standard uses a 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) technology in order secure the data flow between ZigBee devices and other networks. A patient wears a ZigBee device that is interfaced with different sensors, such as a blood pressure sensor, which gathers the information from these sensors on a periodic basis. The received information is transmitted to a ZigBee gateway. A ZigBee gateway provides the interface between ZigBee and other types of networks, such as an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s gathered information is then transmitted via Internet to a personal computer of a physician or nurse that they use to Monitor the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s health status. This system could help hospitals in order to improve patient care and give some relieve hospital overcrowding by giving them the authority to monitor patients at home.